The wild season comes to an early end

The wild season comes to an early end

After only one year, raimo wildes’ second term as coach of the handball team TV marktsteft ends in mid april. After a decade and a half of sporting success after his first arrival at the grunweiben, this season will be a short, albeit successful, guest appearance.

When asked, vice chairman sebastian schneider said there were "no special reasons" for the switch. However, those responsible for the club had learned from the past to act in good time. After last season, the club had not found a successor for vilo vitkovic even in april, before they presented him in wilde then in the summer. "We had to make a decision due to time constraints," explains schneider. "We don’t want to look as stupid as last year again."That’s why the management team agreed to act early on. First talks on this matter were already held before the turn of the year.

Wilde wished for more time

While the club pressed for a quick decision, wilde would have liked more time for it, as he confirms on inquiry. "I had told you in december that i would sit down with the team after the game against michelfeld and discuss with them how to go forward."However the association wanted to bring the decision forward. "From their point of view, it’s understandable that they want to tie down the trainer in time. But I couldn’t say yes at that point without talking to the team about it."Because the two sides could not easily find common ground, the market stealers went elsewhere.

In stefan knotgen you introduce a trainer who is also already well known in your ranks. The 44-year-old played with marktsteft for several years in the regional league and then coached two youth teams when there was still a joint venture with rodelsee. "We had already spoken to him last year, but were too late, as he had already agreed to volkach," says schneider. After the talks had resumed, knotgen promised them for the next season. "We have been in contact for a long time. This time we decided early."

Next year the rough throw should succeed

What appeals to him most about the job is the prospect of talented youngsters in marktsteft. "We want to fully integrate the youth players into the squad," says knotgen. A further year in the bezirksoberliga would not be inconvenient, because the team could play itself in. In the following year the rough throw is to succeed. "If there are no changes in the conditions between now and then, of course we want to move up."Also schneider does not hold back itself to take the national league again in attack: "if the team pulls along, we go as a club in any case again uphill."In this season there is only a mathematical possibility of promotion. Marktsteft must hope for a slip-up by local rival michelfeld.

Schneider estimates the chance of this to be slim. "I can’t imagine that they will still leave many points unaccounted for.380, depending on the location. "In the short or long term, having two teams in the national league would be an organizational burden for the club. The club’s management expects the women to be promoted this season "more than the girls themselves," says schneider. It is certain that valentina dennerlein and vilo vitkovic will remain in charge of the team.

What’s next for wilde?

Who will coach volkach’s handball players is to be decided in brief. "I would like to hand over the team in the district upper league," said knotgen. He "didn’t decide against volkach, but for marktsteft". It remains to be seen what happens next for wilde. There are no requests at the moment, says the 54-year-old. "It was a completely new experience for me in this league. With marktsteft, i could have imagined another year of this. But I accept the reason and the decision of the association."