Redevelopment area instead of code of honor

Redevelopment area instead of code of honor

Mayor bernd ruppert (CSU) became clear in the youngest municipal council meeting hausen, before he announced the announcement of the resolutions from the non-public meeting. He noted again that resolutions and basic knowledge from the closed session had been actively communicated by individual councillors. He will not tolerate this any further with regard to the land use plan and will inform the legal supervisory authority about this.

Orders for the community center

The mayor then announced the contract awards for the sports and community center from the previous meeting. The structural design was awarded to the company lang from ebermannstadt for 112900 euro. The planning for the fire protection will be done by the company witzl from oberasbach (cost 20 160 euro), and the planning for the building physics will be done by the company basic for 27 710 euro. The roofing, waterproofing and plumbing work for the wimmelbach daycare center was awarded to the lohse company for 139,631 euros, ruppert announced. The survey of road conditions in the municipal area by means of measuring images was awarded to the company riwa for 22,922 euros. All awards are net prices.

Unanimously the council decided to join the tourist association "franken" to join. Mayor ruppert sees the newly acquired membership as a great opportunity for hausen. An important factor, according to ruppert, is the integration into the complex network of the tourism association.

The UWG faction’s proposal for a "code of honor for members of the city council to prevent corruption" was widely discussed a. In 2014 and 2016, the UWG group had already submitted a motion to this effect, with the result that it did not receive a majority. Therefore, the group put this motion to the vote again. In a statement in 2016, managing director heinz meisel had also expressed doubts about the legality of the application at the time, pointing out that it would interfere with the personal rights of the council.

Councillor roland garcon (UWG) explained the proposal. The code of honor was used to ensure that information, which according to the congregation’s rules must be kept secret, is not passed on to third parties and is not used for profit.

Katja steinbrenner (CSU) was not happy with the proposal. From her point of view, the discussion about this is a waste of time, since the oath of office on the constitution covers everything that the application contains. From the committee, the suggestion was made to ask the county which municipalities have a code of honor in the municipal council. The committee rejected the UWG’s proposal with a vote of 7:9.


Kristina lindner and matthias mauser (bundnis 90/die grunen) had asked whether the closure of the municipally owned day care centers, waldkindergarten and kindertagesstatte lohe would be adjusted according to the corona-related closure or whether emergency care would be set up in august. Further, the parents should be reimbursed for the month of march according to the pro rata school time. Mayor ruppert informed that in consultation with the kindergarten management a care of the children in august has been secured and the needs of the parents have been surveyed. The contributions for the second half of march will be reimbursed on a pro rata basis or, alternatively, offset.

The committee unanimously approved the UWG’s application for the designation of a redevelopment area. The council instructed the administration to designate the area from the intersection of heroldsbacher strabe to the beckenschneider inn as a redevelopment area. Thomas schmitt (UWG) suggested hiring a planner to create a redevelopment charter. This will be discussed with the authorities beforehand.

The local connection road from hausen to heroldsbach/thurn is partly in a very bad condition. The UWG faction had therefore requested in a motion that this be remedied in a timely manner. Contact should be made with the municipality of heroldsbach to find out what funding is available at state and federal level. Burgermeister ruppert will contact his colleague in heroldsbach and implement the mabnahme in 2021. The council unanimously approved the motion.